If you believe the hype, we can all turn our hands to anything. Be it product design, app development, or marketing strategy, we are encouraged to be brave and strike out on our own. And whilst on the surface you might be able to make a passable attempt at most of these tasks, to truly make an impact, you need to seek the guidance of experts.
Here’s why…
1) Experience
Design agencies are crammed full of experienced designers who have years of expertise in building and compiling online materials for businesses. And with this experience comes a discerning eye of what will and won’t work. The chances are, they’ve seen it all before, and they can draw on this familiarity to point you in directions that you probably hadn’t even considered.
2) Resources
Those in the industry can lay their hands on resources that the regular Joe isn’t able to access. Be it software, development tools, online marketing, hardware, or the ability to bend the ear of a likeminded professional, by using an agency of professionals you are inadvertently unlocking a network with no boundaries or limitations.
3) Place SEO at the heart of your website design
SEO is a strange beast, and any online designer will need to have a firm grasp of how best to optimise web platforms. All of your web content should be designed with SEO in mind, but it goes deeper than the content itself. Images should be optimised, weblinks should be Google friendly, and sitemaps should be clear and succinct. This is all most effective if it is built into the site at the initial stages. If you know how to do this, great, if not, probably best to leave it to a digital marketing professional.
4) Make it mobile
Making a site mobile-friendly is not simply condensing what appears on your desktop site. Your mobile site should be designed as a separate entity, and in some cases, more emphasis should be placed on mobile compatibility. An expert will be able to look at your online analytics and decide exactly what mobile users are using your site for, tailoring your mobile web page to your client’s exact needs.
So there you have it, a guide not to going it alone, but 4 reasons why it might be beneficial to seek the advice and expertise of a well established digital marketing, design, and web development agency.